Westreet Forever~ My World ~ My Life ~ My Way ~ (:P): 2012

Nick Carter

Nick Carter

December 21, 2012

LoVe StOrY

LOVE STORY BETWEEN YOU ________ AND ________.

You and your best friend,Jamie went to the funfair near your house.She asked you if you want to go or not.You said 'yes'.Both of you went there by Jamie's car because she wants you to ride with her in her new car.There you go...!
    After arrived,Jamie said that she wanted you to wait her at the "Roller Coaster Theme".You waited.Then came along a guy with tattoos all over his hand.You feel scared and immediately you called Jamie.Jamie didn't pick up.The guy with tattoos approach to you again.He tried to grab your hand and take you away from the place.You screamed!Unfortunately no one saved you.You knew those people heard that you was screaming.You just keep screaming.
    Suddenly,the guy with tattoos suddenly fell down.You was shocked.Then you saw a guy with cap and and a shades looking at you (actually you not sure if he was looking at you or not).But you can feel it.The guy then grab your hand then pulled you.Then Jamie came and she saw the guy grab your hand.She screamed so loudly.HELP!HELP!...The guy immediately let your hand go and he ran.Jamie asked you if you fine.You said 'yes'.You said the guy just saved you from a guy with tattoos.Jamie said you can't just trust that guy just because he helped you.You just nodded.
    The next day,you went to the shopping mall alone cause Jamie can't come along.So you went to the "Shoe Shop".You just proceed looking at those shoes.Suddenly a guy approach you and said 'May I help you miss?'.You was shocked cause the guy is the one who saved you at the funfair.His face is familiar but you are sure that the guy is him,the one who saved you last night.The guy again grabbed you hand and took you into the dressing room.He said,'What's your name?'.You said _____.He said nice to meet you.Then he went away.Ouh!He also give you his PHONE NUMBER.
    At home,you called Jamie.You told her what was happened.She was shocked."PoP,Out!This is a message for You.Only for You!".There's your message tone.You looked at your phone.'Wanna have date,tomorrow,7 P.M,at the Ms.Tini Cafe??'..he asked.You replied 'Yes,sure'.
    Today,7,Ms.Tini Cafe,you arrived there.You saw a guy sitting alone at the pair table.You asked him 'Is there anyone who you are waiting?'.'Yes.You' he replied.Then you sit.You looked at that guy properly...Ahh!! You knew him.He was your classmate,_____.He looked at you and smile.He said that he had a crush on you since you went to that school.You just smile.He then give you a necklace.You was like 'OMG'!He said will you be my girlfriend?.You said yes.You actually had a crush on him too before this.You want to send him a LOVE LETTER to him,but your friend Jamie took it and threw it away.
    He said that Jamie already know that the guy who saved you was him.That's why she told you not to trust him.You felt shocked.He smile and grab your hand and said Let's Go tell your BEST FRIEND,JAMIE that I already had the person that I always want!!.I smile and I grabbed his hand.



August 22, 2012

Kenangan bersama saudara mara di Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

Me and me beloved cousins and me sister!

Me at TokNgah house

You see that old woman standing beside me??That's me TokNgah

What a happy family <3

Me relatives...

Me bestest cousinz Baby & Yati

Again What A HAPPY family :)

Love them <3 4eva!

Me,Acu,Yati,Kak Eton,Mu'a,Abang Jat and his son,Najmi and me relative


Yati and her one and only little sister,Syiffa

What an 'action' been done by 5 of us!! :D

Well thnx 4 watching these lovely family pictures...

August 16, 2012

Biya's Birthday (16/8/2012)

Today is my little sister, Biya's birthday.We're not going anywhere cause her birthday is on Ramadhan but our parents bought her KFC for her birthday...!! This is her:- :D

August 3, 2012


What a BORED day today...I just got home from my hostel.Finally I rushly went to the laptop to see my new notifications on FACEBOOK!I did it many times everytime I went home.Nothing to do except typing what's on my mind in the blogger... www.nickolas-fatini.blogspot.com . Just... :P

July 14, 2012

Dari Sahabat Untuk Sahabat :(

Hari jumaat yang lepas, sedang aku leka dan kusyuk menghadap konsol permainan PS3 aku, tetiba, kekusyukan bermain terencat seketika bila henset iphone 4 aku berbunyi menandakan kemasukkan satu sms baru.

"huh,da abis opis hour pon ade sms lagi?" - suara2 kecil ketidak puasan hati bermain2 kerana mengandaikan sms tu atas urusan kerja, mmg sejak kebelakangan ni, lebih byk sms urusan kerja yang aku terima berbanding urusan personal dan cinta~

dengan dedikasi aku menekan butang "pause", mataku ku alihkan ke screen henfon ku ;

" 1 new message from samad "

"samad?betaun baru nak sms, ni lain tidak nak ajak g clubbing la ni" - hati kecilku mula membuat tuduhan liar
"naz, mlm ni spital selayang jom, saiful(bukan name sebenar) warded. kanser hati dow" - samad

"hah, kanser hati??!!" - fuh, penyakit paling membunuh la, nak begurau pun tak payah nak sampai main kanser hati.

"agak2 la der, nak bergurau tak payah lebey2 der" - sms balas ku hantar kepada samad.

"kalau aku tipu, ko bunuh aku" - sms balas samad


dalam perjalanan, aku dan samad sekadar mendiamkan diri. sisi releven otak kami berdua masih lagi gagal untuk menerima berita yang ku terima seketika tadi.satu persatu kenangan kami bertiga bermain di minda.

aku, samad dan saiful merupakan kawan yang akrab, sangat akrab. kadang kala aku rasa, hubungan aku dan mereka berdua lebih akrab dari hubungan aku dan 5 orang adik aku.kami bertiga memulakan sesi persekolahan di sekolah rendah yang sama. ditakdirkan berada dikelas yang sama dari darjah satu hingga ke tingkatan 3, bermain bola mewakili sekolah bersama, olahraga, badminton, juga bersama.boleh kate semua bende bersama la, kecuali tidur je lain2, sebab rumah lain2. err, kami juga meminati gadis yang sama di sekolah dulu~ ilya syazwani

saiful,orangnya aku boleh katekan memang sebijik perangai macam din beramboi, melawak memang tak pernah nak berenti, otak memang giler.dunia dia ibarat dipenuhi kegembiraan, nak tengok die sedih?memang susah yang amat.hati memang kental habis, aku yang sekarang ibarat bayangan dia, betol la orang kate, remaja mmg mudah dipengaruhi rakan sebaya.


sampai di hospital, saiful sedang makan. bila nampak jer aku dan samad di muka pintu, senyuman di bibir beliau terus terukir.

"walaweh, kembar aku da sampai. hahahaha" perkataan pertama yang keluar dari mulut beliau

"gini la member, makan tak ajak"- balas ku

"hahaha, jemput2" - pelawa beliau, " betahun da tak makan sesama ngan korang"

"giler, bukan ker baru bulan lepas kite makan kat kenny rogers, ko memang sengal la pul" - balas samad.

" hahaha, rilex la mad, pernah ke aku cakap bende yang betol.hahahahaha"


selesai makan,kami menghabiskan masa berborak. segala jenis cerita, berita, gosip, kenangan kami borakkan. dari situ jugaklahyang kami dapat tahu yang saiful kini berada di tahap kritikal kanser beliau. sudah 3-4 bulan lepas lagi beliau sudah tahun akan penyakit beliau, namun sengaja beliau sembunyikan dari pengetahuna kami berdua.

"ko ni pul, betul ke ko sakit ni,nampak cam orang sihat, ketawa memanjang" - soal samad

"abes?ko nak tengok aku sedih je la?" - soal saiful kembali

"takdela, aku kagum giler la ngan ko, serius dow, ko memang lagend la pul, kalau aku la, sure aku da terkulai kat katil, berair air mata da"- ujar samad lantas di sambut dengan anggukan kepala dari aku

"hahaha, der, korang da berkawan dengan aku dari sekolah rendah, 18 tahun da kite kenal, pernah korang tgk aku sedih?pernah korang tengok aku tak dapat ape yang aku nak?"

betol, memang die selalu dapat ape yang die inginkan sejak dari dulu. hidup dalam keluarga yang kaya memudahkan beliau memperolehi segala apa yang beliau ingini. hidup beliau mmg dari dulu, di penuhi dengan gelak tawa. sedih? memang takde la.

"ilya dulu pon aku yang dapat walaupon aku paling tak emsem. hahahaha" sambung saiful lagi


"der,meh aku nak cakap,sejak dari aku kecil der, Allah tak pernah kecewakan aku. segala macam bende Allah beri pada aku. Allah beri aku keluarga,bagi aku kembar 2 orang ni, macam2 lagi. 24 tahun der Allah tak pernah hampakan aku, takkan la dengan ujian yang macam ni aku nak sedih2, nangis2 macam la selamani aku tak pernah hidup bahagia kan?ujian yang macam ni belum dapat memadamkan nikmat yang Allah bagi kat aku walaupon sikit tau. so knp aku nak kene sedih?"

mata aku da mula digenangi air mata. "member aku yang seorang ni memang kental" ujar aku di dalam hati saat mataku memandang mata beliau yang agak kekuningan akibat kenser

" korang pernag tengok kal ho naa ho kan?" soal saiful lagi

" pernah la derr" - jawab samad

" kan shahrukkan kate, ketawala, gembira la, kerana mungkin, esok tiada lagi.hahaha" - ujar saiful

airmata aku memang tak dapat di tahan lagi, pelahan air mata mengalir di pipi aku.

" ko ni memang ati lembut la naz " -

" korang, if nanti aku da tak ada, korang kene janji dengan aku, jangan tinggal solat.aku tau korang kaki tinggal solat subuh kan?kan?hahah janji tau"

aku dan samad sekadar mengangguk. "ko memang sahabat la pul, ko memang betul2 sahabat"

malam itu terus berlalu. aku dan samad sama2 menemani saiful tidur di hospital malam itu, banyak yang kami bualkan. macam tak jumpe bertahun2 lamanya.


di saat aku menaip entry ni, saiful masih lagi di hospital, tiada apa yang mampu aku lakukan lagi melainkan memanjatkan doa kepada Allah agar memberikan yang terbaik kepada rakan karibku itu. amin~

p/s : aku terpaksa menggunakan kata ganti nama aku dan bukannya guwa seperti mana biasa untuk kesesuaian entry

July 13, 2012

BOYBAND Drawing!

This is my boyband drawing.

Backstreet Boys drawing
From left : A.J-Kevin-Howie-Brian-Nick

Westlife drawing
From left : Shane-Kian-Nicky-Mark-Bryan


Amirul Ashraf Bin Muhamad Pauzi is gone.

He's not gone forever.I mean he's going to a college called GMI (German Malaysian Institute).He is my big brother (the oldest).No more jokes and no more clapping hands.He likes to claps his hands.Sometimes in a shock way.But now he's not here and he will only be home when it is the time he can come back.So,gonna miss him!

This is me and my bro,Amirul.Normally called Abang @ Abang Mirul.
The background is at GMI college.We're in front of the big hall called Dewan Gemilang Mercu Idaman.

June 9, 2012

This is some of my 2 weeks holiday pictures with my family.Actually with my sisters (Kak Adia and Biya):

                                           Me and my sister,Nadia (Kak adia) 

                               Me,Kak adia and Biya at the lobby of Copthorne Hotel

                                                               We're in the lift...

                                                Biya is playing car racing games

                                                    I'm watching Biya playing games

                                           I'm playing 'Street Fighter' at the arcade.

                                     My face after winning the game....hehehe

                                               Me in front of our hotel room door

That is some pictures of me and my sister.Thnx 4 watching! >_'

June 3, 2012

What i dislike

what i dislike:

1)people who always cheat on me and keep blaming me about something that i didn't do!
2)people that always playin' my family name especially my father my mother name~
3)people that always forgot bout' what i had done to them.i mean that he/she forgot my kindness!
4)people that always think he/she is the greatest among all and always mocking everyone~
5)people that always not satisfied for what i'm doing!

Sign By,

Fatini >_'

June 2, 2012

~Teacher's Day~

I had an amazing Teacher's Day at my hostel.This is some pictures that I had captured:

April 21, 2012

Since You Walk Into My Life

Imagine that Backstreet Boys or Westlife or both of them sing this to you:

Since You Walk Into My Life

First day when I look at you
... I hope I can see you everyday
I know that I need you
When I'm on my way

You know that I catch your heart
But I still can see you in my life
You know that I keep your heart
Since you walk into my life

*Cause everytime I sleep,I dream you
Cause everytime I close my eyes,I feel you
And I won't ever forget you
Since you walk into my life

I see you smiling,looking at me
But I can't see your soul
But when I see the way you laughing
I know that I have your soul

You know that I have your heart
But I still can see you in my life
You know that I keep your heart
Since you walk into my life

*Cause everytime I sleep,I dream you
Cause everytime I close my eyes,I feel you
And I will never forget you
Since you walk into my life

Ooh...baby,you're one and only
That can came into my life
And baby I know you're lonely
Then,let me be in your life...

Repeat *

April 20, 2012

My Fave! (also my sisters)

NiCk CaRtEr (28 JaNuArY 1980,JaMeStOwN,nEw YoRk)

BrYaN mCfAdDeN (12 ApRiL 1980,DuBlIn,IrElAnD)

ShAnE  fIlAn (5 JuLy 1979,SlIGo,IrElAnD)

KiAn EgAn (29 ApRiL 1980,SlIGo,IrElAnD)


BrIaN lItTrElL (20 FeBrUaRy 1975,LeXiNgToN,kEnTuCkY)

HoWiE dOrOuGh (22 AuGuSt 1973,OrLaNdO,fLoRiDa)

MaRk FeEhIlY (28 MaY 1980,SlIgO,iReLaNd)